
Thursday, February 27, 2014

Larry Giving A Bible Study

While Larry was here he was privileged to be able to do a Bibe Study on one of his most favorite topics (3 Angels Message). He gave a Bible Study to one of my most solid studies, Frank Duarte. Frank is a very dedicated man of God. I see Christ in him by the way that he handles things in life. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Evangelistic Series: Uncovered - Can you handle the truth? (Week 2)

Week 2 of the series has begun! It is only by God's faithfulness that we were able to have new visitors come and a higher attendance for the nights presentation, "What happens after death?" With an appeal made by Derrick Williamson (Evangelistic Speaker), many stood to make a decision for Jesus!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Special Visit! Guess who came?

Larry Carter, the Literature Ministry Director of the Pacific Union Conference (PUC). The one that founded SOULS West College and the reason for why several program are up, and running. Larry was able to stop by to give some mentoring, encouragement, and take the group out to eat. 

Refreshments and Mingling!(:

Those who come to the series are not only spiritually fed, but they are as well physically fed. Once the presentation for the night is over, the guests and members head over to the dinning hall to refresh themselves with some snacks and drinks! At this phase, church members are getting to know the visitors that were able to come, making them feel at home, and encouraging them in their spiritual life. 

"We sustain a loss when we neglect the privilege of associating together to strengthen and encourage one another in the service of God. The truths of His word lose their vividness and importance in our minds. Our hearts cease to be enlightened and aroused by their sanctifying influence, and we decline in spirituality. In our association as Christians we lose much by lack of sympathy with one another. He who shuts himself up to himself is not filling the position that God designed he should. The proper cultivation of the social elements in our nature brings us into sympathy with others and is a means of development and strength to us in the service of God." {SC 101.2} 

Evangelistic Series: Uncovered - Can you handle the truth? (Week 1)

First couple of nights, Success!! By the hard labour of the Bible workers and the church members who passed out fliers around the community, many had the opportunity to come to the "Uncovered" series for the first two night, talking about "Case for a Creator" and "Can you trust the Bible?"

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Unexpected Blessings!

Calvin and Josué were going to businesses handing out fliers and placing them inside the businesses. Calvin encountered Miguel at first but because of language barriers Josué came in and began to talk about the event on the flier. Miguel expressed to Josué that he had started going to a Christian church but because of church members being hypocritical, it was hard for him to believe in any christian religion. Josué shared with Miguel that he was born Catholic but later on became a Christian, but before finding a church his family actually would go from different church seeking truth and for the right church. Josué encouraged Miguel, with prayer, and leaving a Steps to Christ Miguel was touched by how their are young men doing the work of preaching and sharing the gospel. A week later, while Josué was at a Bible study with Laressa, Miguel called asking Josué if it was possible that he could come over his work place and offer Bible studies while  he was on his break. Miguel received his first Bible study at his job while on his break, it was on the topic of living a Christian life, a life of salvation. Miguel was blessed and is interested in future studies.

Persistence Pays Off

When Caren Valadez was visiting our group three weeks ago, we met a very sincere man named Luis and his 17 year old son. When we asked for Bible studies, he said no at first. Caren appealed to him and reclosed and he signed up. Next week he rescheduled then it fell through, week after that, same thing. By the third week I wasn't sure how sincere he was.

When I showed up at his house, everything was dark. I was standing at his door about to write a note on a flier when him and his wife drove up. He apologized for being late, and we proceeded to do the Daniel 2 study. All of my questions he answered almost perfectly, even when we hadn't found the answer yet. When we went to Daniel 8 with the ram and the he goat, immediately, he caught on that the goat must be Greece and the horn must be Alexander the Great. When we got to the iron and the clay, he started telling me about how clay reacts against iron, how it won't stick to it. He assured me he'd never seen this prophecy before, though. He also told me of his strong desire to start going back to church, to read the Bible, and to be the spiritual leader of his home. Him and his son also decided to come to the evangelistic series. "Maybe we can even get my wife to come," he said.

Praise God He helped me be persistent with Luis. Luis told me that he probably wouldn't have made the effort to make it work if i hadn't persisted in calling him and rescheduling. Persistence does pay off. Pray that his whole family comes to the series!


Monday, February 10, 2014

Outreach Testimonies

Outreach was a success!! God blessed every single member that went out, literally… every single member! That is how great a God we serve! Lanna and Simona (Middle right picture), were going walking by a home trying to get to their starting point of their street. Once they had reached the end, a lady answered the door and told them, "when I saw both of you walking by, I was wondering if you would going to come by my home." As they begin talking to her they find out that she is a christian wife whose husband is in the air force. They both connect with her, because Lanna and Simona whose husbands also are in the army. They offer her prayer, Bible studies, and invite her to the series, with a smile and knowing that they are both God sent, the lady ends up accepting prayer, Bible studies, and wants to come to the series! We had a total of over 20+ Interest in either Bible Studies, Health cooking classes, Vacation Bible school, and Revelation Seminars. 

"Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." Matthew 9:37, 38

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Church Outreach

It is in these moments when you see what kind of people you are working with. Here, we knew that this church had leaders… they were just waiting to be taught. Thanks to God, more then 20 members went out looking for Bible interest, vacation Bible school, Health cooking classes, and Revelation seminars. "Many would be willing to work if they were taught how to begin. They need to be instructed and encouraged." {MH 149.1}

Divine Service

Divine service was a blessing! Through special music by Calvin and Laressa, Jhonte making sure all things are going well, Josué breaking the bread, and by church members learning how to evangelize, we have to thank God overall for His goodness and for His loving kindness. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Church Members Giving Bible Studies

After Rodney (Far Left) set in on the previous Bible study that I gave Adam, the next time he was more than glad to be able to do the next one himself. 

Training Church Members to Give Bible Studies

This is Kenneth (left) Josué's Bible Study contact. Kenneth is a based here in El Paso, he is in the air force and wants to learn how to become a disciple for Jesus. They have gone through several lessons such as "How to Understanding the Bible, Daniel Ch. 2, Signs of the times, Manner of Christ coming, etc." Kenneth was born and raised Christian, "I just want truth, it doesn't matter with who I'm having the study with or with what religion unless they present truth to me, then will I know which is right," said Kenneth. Josué is training Mario (Right) how to give Bible Studies and Mario will be giving the Bible Study to Kenneth tonight. Keep them in your prayers! (2/4/14)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Outreach Can Be Done Anywhere (Evangelism on the Road)

Training Church Members How to Give Bible Studies

 This is Jennifer learning how to give Bible Studies and how to obtain Bible Studies
Here is Lana who is actually a relative of one of our fellow class members. Josué is teaching her how to give Bible Studies, how to follow up on Bible Studies, and how to qualify the Bible Studies she receives